Advertising is the essence of the digital economy. The world has trod into the race of advertising its brand in a way that is remembered and hard to forget. While choosing the advertising medium, you need to contest a battle. Television advertising and digital video advertising are two different platforms for tracking information for the audience.

Digital Video Commercials (DVC)

Digital video commercials are a new source of interactive ideas and attainment for the audience. They are shown to the audience via an internet network and screened on laptops, computers, mobile phones, and internet-related devices. DVCs are longer than TVCs that are shown throughout digital platforms. 

Television Commercials (TVC)

Television commercials (TVCs) are formed and broadcast to a particular audience who are mainly television users. The message is communicated convincingly and winningly. It consists of short advertisements that contain fewer minutes to be watched by the audience. 

Difference between TVCs and DVCs

here are the Difference between TVCs and DVCs

Aim of the brand

To show your audience whether a DVC or TVC, you need to choose the correct medium of communication. The advantages and disadvantages to make a decision are not enough, a business entrepreneur must know the answers to some of the questions. Who is your target customer? If you are observing for a potential audience? Is your product a niche? Do you have to need to promote distinct offers? You need to be clear with your aims and then choose the medium of communication.

Collaborating with the target audience

The services and products are made for a specific range of audiences and if you want to target them to get sales and alterations you need to make sure that the information is communicated to the potential customers. Digital video commercials help in filling the needs of specific demographics and markets. Through the digital medium, you can reach the niche, DVC does reach a large audience and convey information more attractively and convincingly. 

The difference in Costs

Digital platforms help in playing videos more attractively and frustratingly, which grabs the attention of the audience and converts their views to buying. Digital advertising is a cost-effective way to cooperate with the audience as compared to television advertising. So, you don’t need a large amount to spend on its implementation and construction. On the other hand, when we look at the cost of TVC, there is surely need a large amount and a high rate of cash is required for the broadcasting of commercials. 

A heavy amount of information

In digital video commercials, there is no limit on the amount of information displayed, the brands can show as much as they want, and also, they use slogans and paragraphs for telling their objectives and ideas. A lot of information is tracked and people enjoy viewing it because of the short period duration. 

Time Duration

The timing needs to be correct when showing any advertisement whether it is traditional or on a digital platform. The TVC needs to be a maximum of 30 seconds, which is a short time pattern in which they have to discuss, inform and encourage the audience about the product.

TVC & DVC Advertisement

We aim to create an inventive visual experience for your business. We are a quality-driven DVC and TVC advertising agency with capable yet skilled members to give you high-quality ideas related to any digital commercial or TV commercial.


here are the the popular tyeps of advertisement

Television Commercial Marketing

The main objective of TVC marketing service is to launch a new product, increase awareness and ultimately attract buyers to the advertised product. To create a consistent market over time, the TVC also serves to remind customers of the product’s presence.

Digital video commercial marketing

An important aspect of the brand established during this period is the airing of video advertisements. DVC ads are one of the easiest realistic opportunities to launch unfamiliar brands, and by increasing brand reputation and company awareness, a good promotional strategy will keep these brands alive. 

What does a successful TVC need?

The following criteria should be applied to a successful TVC:


here are the thw popular tyeps of advertisement

Gives a straightforward message

Only one simple message should be conveyed by one mind. It has a strong brand association and is quick to recognize i.e., Colgate comes to mind when one talks about toothpaste

Promotional campaigns

Based on the promotional transitory submitted, we will then be able to provide you with a creative concept and plot. From here, a storyboard based on the client’s choices is then developed.

Advertising design process

The design process comes after a good storyboard presentation. At this stage, another discussion will be held to decide on issues such as the filming schedule, property and wardrobe recommendations (if any), as well as shooting locations.

Etiam non quam lacus

Transform your brand with our TVC & DVC solutions,

Transform your brand’s vision into captivating stories with our expert TVC and DVC production services.

TVC/DVC Services

TVC Production for TV, Cable, and Digital Media (DVC)

TVC Production at IOP, we have a professional approach to completing video commercial production from A to Z. Sometimes we are bound by the budget provided by the client, and sometimes the client negotiates the ideas we create.

So, we can create your idea and also a vision to give you a creative concept. When we say commercial production, we mean it.

  • Scripts
  • Storyboard
  • Studio facility
  • Audio Production
  • Bull
  • Editing and mastering
  • Graphics and VFX
  • 2D and 3D animations
  • Voiceover
  • Casting
  • Video production with the latest equipment and professional staff

here are the thw popular tyeps of advertisement

Video production

We, at Influencers of Punjab, are experts in creating videos that reflect quality content, simplicity, and, imagination. Our video production services cater to all types of professional videos including TVC, DVC, explainer, travel, educational, web, business, animated videos, and, the like within a cost-effective range.

Drone videography

Drone videography has become the most popular trend because it is modern, affordable, and, effective. Our drone videos provide your audience with a unique and engaging experience, which can provide significant benefits to your marketing campaign.

Product photography

Product photography for display and marketing is another service we provide at IOP. Our professional photographers ensure that your product reflects your brand’s personality and uniqueness.

How to promote your brands with DVC and YouTube videos?

Have you ever thought about making a video to market your brand? Over the decades, marketing strategies have changed considerably. And today video content has emerged as one of the most effective marketing methods for brands.

Especially in the era of mobile marketing, smartphone users find engaging video content irresistible. 93% of companies worldwide claim to acquire new customers through video content.

Video marketing potential is evolving and the concept of offering an abundance of fresh and unique video content has become a daunting prospect. Although there are many types of videos used for marketing, the most influential are YouTube videos and digital video ads.


here are the thw popular tyeps of advertisement

YouTube videos

Businesses include YouTube videos in their marketing strategy to promote their brand as it is the best traffic-generating platform with over 1 billion users. About one-third of Internet users access YouTube daily. With technological advancements and innovations, YouTube has become a very effective medium for video promotion.

Digital video ads

Digital Video Advertising is used for repetitive and time-consuming broadcast tasks. It gives you insights to motivate customers to engage, take action and build brand awareness.