
Photography / videography

What is meant by photography?

Photography is the art of catching the light with a camera, through a digital sensor or film, to create an image. With the right camera equipment, you can also photograph wavelengths of light invisible to the human eye, including UV, infrared, and radio.

Basics of photography

Three camera settings cover the basics of photography, and each independently controls lighting differently. Still, these three settings are used together to create exposure.

  • Aperture mentions to the size of the hovel through which light passes into the camera lens. It is measured in f-stops, where small numbers such as f/1.2 or f/1.4 indicate a very large aperture and large numbers such as f/16 and f/22 indicate a small aperture. Aperture size also affects the depth of field or the area of ​​the image that is sharply in focus. The smaller the aperture size, the greater the depth of field.
  • Shutter speed mentions how fast the camera’s shutter opens and closes. It controls the period of light. Shutter speeds are measured in fractions of a second to minutes to hours.
  • ISO controls the light sensitivity of the camera sensor. ISO is measured in stops of 100, 200, 400, 800, and so on. Additionally, the higher the ISO, the more digital noise the image will have. Digital noise appears as grain, which can give an image character and sharpness.
types of photography

Here are the popular types of photography

Landscape photography

Landscape photography is capturing an image that embodies the spirit of the outdoors. It feels like being there to see something incredible.

Road photography

Landscape photography is capturing an image that embodies the spirit of the outdoors. It feels like being there to see something incredible.

Newborn photography

Newborn photography is a style of photography that focuses specifically on newborns. Baby photographers go through special training to learn how to keep babies safe and comfortable during their sessions.

Portrait photography

Portrait photography is about capturing a person’s essence, personality, identity, and attitude using background, lighting, and posing.

Nature Photography

Nature photography is a wide range of photography taken outdoors and dedicated to portraying natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural landscapes and structures.

Tips to build a photography business

Here are some tips on things you can work on during this time to grow your photography business.

build a bussines

Here are the Tips to build a photography business

Set yourself apart from the crowd

With the advancements in photography, it is easier than ever to become a photographer but not so easy to run a profitable creative business year after year. One thing that has helped you a lot is setting yourself apart from the crowd, and knowing why couples book you over all the other photographers out there.

Build brand awareness

In times like this, with the uncertainty of our economic future, people are reluctant to invest a lot of money in things right now. But nothing lasts forever. Use this time to build brand awareness and allow people to get to know you and your brand better through blogging, email marketing, and social media.

Don’t be scared of pivots

Assess your abilities, your strengths, and your passions, and find out which areas you can pivot towards.

Booking of future work

You may be able to schedule future mini sessions or sell gift certificates for portrait sessions to be redeemed at a future date. You can take a retainer, and schedule a session for a future date.

Money management

As a small business owner, managing your cash flow is very important. Some months will be higher and some slower than others, but your expenses generally stay the same each month.

Discovery a hobby

Many photographers have turned their passion for photography into a business, which is an amazing achievement, but it also loses the benefits of just having a hobby. Hobbies allow us to escape the stresses of everyday life.

discover the art of photography with us

“Capture life’s moments with stunning, professional photography services.”

What is videography?

Videography is the process of taking videos or moving images using electronic media such as tape, hard drive, DVD/CD, Blu-ray, and the like and includes the art and process of video shooting. A videographer can be the person shooting the video, as a cameraman, or in charge of making the video.

Videography requires a camera and equipment:

Videography requires more than just a camera and a tripod. To create high-quality videos, you’ll need a variety of equipment, including:

  • A good quality camera that can also shoot in HD
  • A tripod to stabilize your camera
  • Lenses for a variety of shots
  • Lighting equipment
  • Audio equipment

With the right equipment, you’ll be able to capture stunning videos that look and feel great. You’ll also need a good computer and editing program for the final touches.

video graphy services

Here are the popular Types of Videography Services:

Brand documents

Brand documentaries help to create a great narrative for a business. Such videos carefully document your brand story while also adding depth to the videos.

Brand awareness videos

Brand awareness videos help increase awareness for your product or company. It creates more excitement, drives more traffic, and creates more conversions for your brand.

Product videos

A great product video should encourage consumers to believe in the product instead of just focusing on its features.


Documentaries are non-fictional, “slice-of-life”, rather they are factual works of art. Video production experts have extensive experience and knowledge in creating documentaries that tell unique stories.

Wedding videography

Capture the moments of your most special day with wedding videography. With videos, a variety can be taken to make your special day even more special, adding ease and beauty to your wedding day.

Drone videography

Aerial shots are great for adding a different perspective and an element of visual interest. Drone videography that pans over a scene. High-quality drone equipment contributes to high-quality videography.

Promotional videos

These videos are an effective tool in marketing that successfully conveys information in the shortest possible time. Promotional videos can be short, fun pieces of work that keep viewers interested.


Ideal animation videos, be it 2D or 3D animation helps to create an interesting simulation of movement through animations including motion graphics or stop motion videos. 


All interview videos must be concise and complete. By using frames and different elements, we can help create interest in interview videos.

Review the videos

Review videos are formal reviews or critical reviews of any product or service. Such videos help the audience to decide on a product or service.

Appreciation videos

Using a visual medium can help increase sales and trust by giving your brand a testament to your service or product. However, it is very important that such testimonial videos are authentic and not scripted.

Business to Business (B2B) Videos

Business-to-business or B2B videos are a great way to resonate with a logical and professionally responsive business that compels viewers to take action.

Along with the IOP team, we help you with videography tips that help your narrative film. We are a team of passionate filmmakers and even more passionate storytellers. Through our professional videos, we strive to make our mark on the visual medium. We focus on visual storytelling designed for growth and influence.

Tips for budding videographers

Sometimes in addition to being their camera operator, videographers must have comprehensive knowledge and skills in many different areas, which leads to a lack of readily available resources and the chaos of live events. Here are some skills that will help:

budding videographers

Here are the popular Tips for budding videographers

Stay on your toes

Brand documentaries help to create a great narrative for a business. Such videos carefully document your brand story while also adding depth to the videos.

Prepare and adopt

Brand awareness videos help increase awareness for your product or company. It creates more excitement, drives more traffic, and creates more conversions for your brand.

Lead the shoot

A great product video should encourage consumers to believe in the product instead of just focusing on its features.